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Archivtabelle "Bücher"
No Autor Titel Thema Verlag Land Datum Kategorie
1 Allen, Walter
C. Hendersonia Henderson, Fletcher Jazz Monographs USA 1973 Disco
3 Backus, Rob Fire Music Backus, Rob Vanguard USA 1976 Politische History des Jazz
4 Baumann,
Peter Die Story vom
Jazz Baumann,
Peter Arena D 1984 History
5 Berendt,
Joachim-Ernst Die Story des Jazz Berendt, Joachim-Ernst DVA D 1975 History
6 Brown, Marion Recollections Brown, Marion JAS D 1983 Drawings/Interviews
7 Byrne, Don Wardell Gray Gray, Wardell Discographical Forum GB Discography
8 Callis, John Charlie Christian 1939-1941 Christian, Charlie Tony Middleton GB 1978 Discography
9 Carr, Ian Miles Davis Davis, Miles LIT D 1982 Biography und Discography
10 Carr, Roay/Brian Case The Hip Carr Faber & Faber GB 1986 Hipster,Jazz and Beat
11 Castelli, Vittorio The Bix Bands Beiderbecke, Bix Raretone I 1972 Discography
12 Charles, Phillipe/Jean-Louis Comolli Free Jazz Black Power Charles Fischer D 1974 History of Free Jazz and Black Power
13 Chilton, John The song of Hawk Hawkins, Coleman Quartet USA 1990 Biography
14 Cole, Bill Miles Davis Davis, Miles Morrow USA 1974 Musical Biography
15 Condon, Eddie Jazz - wir nanntens Musik Condon, Eddie Nymphenburger D 1960 Autobiography
16 Connor, Russell BG on record Goodman, Benny Arlington House USA 1969 Discography
17 Cuscuna, Michael The Blue Note Label Blue note Greenwood Press USA 1988 Label-Disco
18 Dauer, Alfons
M. Jazz - die magische Musik Dauer Schünemann D 1961 History
19 Davis, Brian Allen Eager Eager, Allen Discographical Forum GB Discography
20 Davis, Brian John Coltrane Discography Coltrane, John Collet's Holdings USA Disco
21 Davis, Francis In the moment Davis, Francis Hannibal A 1989 Jazz der 80iger
22 Davis, Miles Miles Davis Davis, Miles Hoffmann und Campe D 1990 Autobiography
23 Diverse Jazz Diverse Marguerat CH Fotos
24 Diverse That'S Jazz Der Sound des 20.Jahrhunderts Diverse Bochinsky D 1988 Darmstädter Ausstellung
25 Diverse US-Reader Diverse März-2001 D History
26 Dyck,
H.-Jochen Eine
Provinzstadt macht Jazzgeschichte Dyck Media D 1979 Festival
27 Edelhagen,
Viola Die Big Band Story Edelhagen, Kurt Eisenbletter D 1988 Big Bands
28 Ellington, Duke Duke Ellington Ellington, Duke List D 1974 Autobiography
29 Ellington, Mercer Duke Ellington Ellington, Duke Müller CH 1978 Biography
30 Evensmo, Jan Guitars of
C.Christian,R.Norman, O.Aleman Christian, Charlie Jazz Solography N Solographien
31 Oreos Filtgen: John Coltrane Coltrane, John Oreos D Biography/Musik/Disco
32 Oreos Filtgen: John Coltrane (2nd
ed.) Coltrane, John Oreos D 1989 Biography/Musik/Disco
33 Finkelstein,
Sidney Jazz Finkelstein Hatje D 1951 Jazzgeschichte bis 1950
34 Fische,
Klaus-Gotthard Dave Brubeck Discography Brubeck, Dave Uni Duisburg D 1992 Brubeck Disco
35 Flückiger,
Otto John Gordon Gordon, John Flückiger CH 1982 Disco
36 Frazer, Al/Dizzy Gillespie To Be or not to Bop Gillespie, Dizzy Hannibal A 1984 Biography
37 Gammond, Peter Duke Ellington Ellington, Duke Nymphenburger D 1961 Duke Ellington'S Leben und
38 Garrod, Charles Jimmy Dorsey Dorsey, Jimmy Joyce USA 1980 Disco von Jimmy Dorsey
39 Garrod, Charles Woody Herman 1948-57 Herman, Woody Joyce USA Woody Herman Disco
40 Oreos Giese: Art Blakey Blakey, Art Oreos D 1990 Biography/Musik/Disco
41 Gitler, Ira Jazz Masters of the Forties Gitler Collier USA 1966 Portraits
42 Goldberg, Joe Jazz Masters of the 50's Goldberg Macmillan USA 1965 Portraits aus den 50iger
44 Graves, James Die Könige des Blues Graves Sanssouci CH 1961 Blues
45 Hadlock, Richard Jazz Masters Hadlock Collier USA 1965 Portraits
46 Hames, Mike Ayler,Murray,Taylor Hames Hames GB 1983 Disco of Free Jazz
47 Hawes,
Hampton - Don Asher Ganz tief
Luft holen Hawes, Hampton JAS D 1983 Autobiography
48 Heidkamp,
Konrad In the mood Heidkamp Luchterhand D 1991 Jazz-Geschichten
49 Hellhund, Herbert Cool Jazz Hellhund Schott D 1985 Cool Jazz
50 Hennessey, Mike Klook Clarke, Kenny Quartet USA 1990 Biography/Discography
51 Hofmann, Coen Man of many parts Collette, Buddy Micrography NL 1985 Disco
52 Jazz Spot Intro John Coltrane Disco Coltrane, John Jazz Spot Intro J 1977 Discography
53 Jones, Max/John Chilton Die Louis Armstrong Story Armstrong, Louis Herder D 1972 Biography
54 Jost,
Ekkehard Europas Jazz
1960-80 Jost Fischer D 1987 Free Jazz in Europa
55 Jost,
Ekkehard Free Jazz Jost Schott D 1975 Stilkritische Untersuchungen
56 Jost,
Ekkehard Sozialgeschichte
des Jazz in den USA Jost Fischer D 1982 Sozialgeschichte
57 Karl, Ingrid Jazz op.3 Karl Löcker A 1986 Jazz und Moderne Klassik
58 Kerschbaumer,
Franz Miles Davis Davis, Miles Akademie Graz A 1978 Musikalische Analyse
59 Knobel, Bruno Jazzfibel Knobel Christophorus D 1960 History
60 Krähenbühl,
Peter Der Jazz und seine Menschen Krähenbühl Francke D 1968 Sozialgeschichte
61 Kraner,
Dietrich Jazz in
Austria Kraner Akademie Graz A 1969 History/Discography
62 Kraner, Dietrich H. Eric Dolphy Disco Dolphy, Eric Modern Jazz A 1967 Eric Dolphy Disco
63 Larkin, Philip All what Jazz Larkin Faber und Faber GB 1970 Tagebuch
64 Lindenmaier, H.Lukas Clifford Brown Brown, Clifford Jazz Realities D Discography
65 Lindenmaier,
H.Lukas Ernie Henry Henry, Ernie Jazz Realities D Discography
66 Litweiler,
John Das Prinzip
Freiheit Litweiler Oreos D 1984 Free Jazz
67 Lock, Graham Forces in Motion Braxton, Anthony Quartet GB 1988 Tour notes
68 Lohmann, Jan The Sound of Miles Davis Davis, Miles Jazzmedia DK 1992 Discography von Miles Davis
69 McCalla,
James Jazz: A
Listener's Guide McCalla Prentice Hall USA Einführung in der Geschichte des Jazz
70 Moon, Pete Serge Chaloff Chaloff, Serge Discography GB Discography
71 Murray, Albert/Count Basie Good morning blues Basie, Count Econ D 1987 Autobiography
72 Oreos Nolden: Count Basie Basie, Count Oreos D 1990 Biography/Musik/Disco
73 Oreos Nolden: Ella Fitzgerald Fitzgerald, Ella Oreos D 1986 Biography/Musik/Disco
74 Oakley, Giles Blues - die schwarze Musik Oakley Bastei-Lübbe D 1976 History of Blues
75 Oliver, Paul The Story of the Blues Blues Penguin Books GB Blues
76 Palmer, Tony All you need is love Palmer Droemer-Knaur D 1977 Pop und Jazz History/TV
77 Oreos Petrik: Bill Evans Evans, Bill Oreos D 1989 Biography/Musik/Disco
78 Polillo,
Arrigo Jazz -
Geschichte und Persönlichkeiten Polillo Herbig D 1975 Geschichte und Persönlichkeiten
79 Popa, Chris Jerry Gray Gray, Jerry Joyce USA Jerry Gray Disco
80 Raben, Erik A Discography of Free Jazz Raben Knudsen DK 1969 Free Jazz Disco
81 Rudorf, Reginald Jazz in der Zone Rudorf Kiepenheuer & Witsch D 1964 DDR
82 Oreos Ruland: Duke Ellington Ellington, Duke Oreos D Biography/Musik/Disco
83 Schmitz,
Alexander Jazz Gitarristen Schmitz Oreos D 1992 Jazz-Gitarristen
84 Selchow, Manfred Profoundly blue Hall,Edmund Selchow D 1988 Bio-Disco
85 Sidran, Ben Black Talk Sidran Wolke D 1985 Schwarze Musik - Oral
86 Simon, George T. The Big Bands Simon Collier USA 1974 Die Story der Big Bands
87 Smith, Bill Imagine the Sound No. 5 The
Book Smith Nightwood CAN 1985 Free Jazz Fotos und Artikel
88 Spellman, A.B. Black Music Spellman Schocken Books USA 1970 Portraits
89 Storb, Ilse Louis Armstrong Armstrong, Louis RoRoRo D 1989 Biography
90 Tajiri, Tetsuya Gil Evans Discography 1941-82 Evans, Gil Tajiri J 1983 Discography
91 Taylor, Arthur Notes and Tones Gillespie,Blakey,Miles,Garner Perigee USA 1977 Interviews mit Musikern
92 Tepperman, Barry Eric Dolphy Dolphy Eric Smithsonian USA 1974 Biography and Discography of
Eric Dolphy
93 Thomas, J.C. Chasin' the Trane Coltrane, John Da Capo USA 1975 Biography von John Coltrane
94 Timner, W.E. Ellingtonia Ellington, Duke CAN 1976 Discography
95 Traill, Sinclair Just Jazz No. 4 Traill Souvenir GB 1960 Disco/Films/Parker
96 Viera, Joe 20 Jahre Jazz Burghausen Viera IG Jazz D 1989 Festival Burghausen
97 Voce, Steve Woody Herman Herman, Woody Apollo GB 1986 Biography/Disco
98 Wachler, Ingolf Benny Goodman Goodman, Benny Pegasus D 1961 Biography
99 Walker, Malcolm Donald Byrd Byrd, Donald Discographical Forum GB Discography
100 Werther, Iron Bebop Werther Fischer D 1988 Bebop
101 Westerberg, Hans Boy from New Orleans Armstrong, Louis Jazzmedia DK 1981 Louis Armstrong Discographie
102 White, Andrew Trane'n me Coltrane, John JAS D 1981 Abhandlung
103 Oreos Wießmüller: Miles Davis Davis, Miles Oreos D Biography/Musik/Disco
104 Oreos Wießmüller: Miles Davis (2nd
edition) Davis, Miles Oreos D 1988 Biography/Musik/Disco
105 Wild, David Disc'ribe Coleman, Ornette Wildmusic USA 1983 Ornette Coleman/Thelonious
Monk Disco (part 2)
106 Wild, David Ornette Coleman 1958-79 Coleman, Ornette Wildmusic USA 1980 Discography
107 Wild, David Recordings of John Coltrane Coltrane, John Wildmusic USA 1977 Discography
108 Oreos Wilson: Ornette Coleman Coleman, Ornette Oreos D 1989 Biography/Musik/Disco
109 Oreos Wölfer: Dizzy Gillespie Gillespie, Dizzy Oreos D 1987 Biography/Musik/Disco
110 Mingus, Charles Beneath the underdog Mingus, Charles Knopf USA 1971 Autobiography
111 Sjogren, Thorbjorn Long Tall Dexter Gordon, Dexter Sjogren DK 1986 Discography
112 Pepper, Art Straight life Pepper, Art Schirmer USA 1979 Autobiography mit Disco
114 Russell, Ross Bird lives Parker, Charlie Quartet USA 1973 Biography
115 Mingus, Charles Chazz Mingus, Charles Nautilus D 1986 Autobiography
116 Holiday, Billie Lady sings the blues Holiday, Billie Nautilus D 1985 Autobiography
117 Gordon, Max Live at the Village Vanguard Gordon, Max Da Capo USA 1980 History des Vanguard
118 Shapiro/Henthoff Jazz erzählt Shapiro JAS D 1984 Interviews
119 O'Day, Anita High times, hard times O'Day, Anita Corgi USA 1981 Autobiography und Disco
120 Shapiro/Henthoff Jazz erzählt Shapiro Nymphenburger D 1959 Interviews
121 Mückenberger, Heinz Meet me where they play the blues Teagarden, Jack Oreos D 1986 Biography mit Kurz-Disco
122 Kuhnke-Miller-Schulze Geschichte der Pop Musik 1 Kuhnke Eres D 1976 Pop
123 Naura,
Michael Jazz-Toccata Naura RoRoRo D 1991 Jazzkritiken
124 Szadkowski,
Dita von Grenzüberschreitungen Szadkowski Fischer D 1986 Umfeld/Jazz/Poetry
125 Longstreet-Dauer Knaurs Jazz Lexikon Longstret Knaur D 1957 Lexikon
126 Diverse Musik Aktuell Diverse Bärenreiter D 1971 Soziologie
127 Millar, Jack Born to sing Holiday, Billie Jazzmedia DK 1979 Discography
128 Elmenhorst,
Gernot Die Jazz-diskothek Elmenhorst RoRoRo D 1961 Discography
129 IG Jazz
Rhein-Neckar Beruf: Jazmusiker in Europa Jazzmusiker IG-Jazz D 1989 Soziologie
130 Vian, Boris Stolz und Vorurteile Vian Hannibal A 1990 Kritik
131 Sjogren,
Thorbjorn Duke Jordan Jordan, Duke Bidstrup DK 1992 Discography
132 Quinke, Ralph Jazz + More Quinke Nieswand D 1992 Fotoband
133 Rust, Brian Jazz Records 1897-1942 I+II Rust, Brian Storyville USA 1970 Discography
134 Lee, William
F. Stan Kenton Kenton, Stan Creative USA 1980 Bio- und Discographie
135 Kunzler,
Martin Jazz Lexikon
1+2 Kunzler RoRoRo D 1988 Lexikon
136 Wilson, Peter Niklas Sonny Rollins Rollins, Sonny Oreos D 1991 Bio-Discographie
137 Winkler,
Hans-Jürgen Jazz für Jedermann Winkler Deutsche Buchgemeinschaft D 1961 Jazz-History
138 Young, Al Bodies and soul Young, Al Creative Arts USA 1981 Erinnerungen
139 Young, Al Kinds of blue Young, Al Creative Arts USA 1984 Erinnerungen
141 Völker, Klaus Boris Vian Vian, Boris Wagenbach D 1989 Biography und Lesebuch
142 Polster,
Bernd Swing Heil Polster Transit D 1989 Jazz unter den Nazis
143 Ruppli,
Michel Prestige Ruppli Tastrup DK 1972 Prestige Disco
144 Laubich,
Arnold Art Tatum Tatum, Art Scarecrow USA 1982 Discography
145 Gerlach, Jens Jazz Gedichte Gerlach Aufbau DDR 1976 Poetry
146 Schatzmann, Jürg Ain't misbehavin' Waller, Fats Ravensburger D 1981 Biography
147 Gazdar, Coover First Bass Pettiford, Oscar Gazdar I 1991 Discography
148 Meeker, David Jazz in the movies Meeker Da Capo USA 1981 Filmography
149 Jazz Hot Les grandes Signatures Jazz Hot Editions de l'instant F 1987 Fotos und diverse Beiträge
150 Diverse Jazz Container Diverse Wolke D 1987 Beiträge von
151 Diverse Klangbilder I Diverse JAS D 1987 Beiträge von Musikern
152 Viera, Joe Jazz Musik unserer Zeit Viera Oreos D 1992 Aus der Sicht des Musikers
153 Mathiesen, Anders A black artist Waldron, Mal Mathiesen DK 1989 Discographie
154 Fox, Charles The Jazz Scene Fox Hamlyn GB 1972 Fotoband
155 Dale, Rodney The world of jazz Dale Excalibur USA 1980 Fotoband
156 Berendt,
Joachim-Ernst JazzLife Berendt, Joachim-Ernst Burda USA 1961 Reisebericht
157 Astrup, Arne Zoot Sims Sims, Zoot Danish Disc.Publ. DK 1980 Discography
158 Klaasse, Piet Jam Session Klaasse Athenäum D 1984 Paintings
159 Endress, Gudrun Jazz Podium Endress DVA D 1980 Interviews
160 Goldblatt, Burt Newport Jazz Festival Goldblatt Dial USA Festival
161 Wernboe, Roger Lee Morgan Morgan, Lee Wernboe S 1985 Discography
162 Frohne, Michael Subconscious-Lee Konitz, Lee JazzRealities D 1983 Discography
163 Frohne, Michael Bright Moments (2nd ed.) Kirk, Rahsaan Roland JazzRealities D 1992 Discography
164 Frohne, Michael Bright Moments Kirk, Rahsaan Roland JazzRealities D 1989 Discography
165 Lindenmaier, Lukas H. 25 Years of Fish Horn Lacy, Steve JazzRealities D 1982 Discography
166 Lindenmaier-Salewski The man who never sleeps Mingus, Charles JazzRealities D 1983 Discography
167 Wolfer, Jürgen Anita O'Day O'Day, Anita Joyce USA 1990 Discography
168 Iwamoto, Shin-ichi Have you met Mister Jones Jones, Hank Iwamoto J Discography
169 Stewart,
Charles Jazz Files Stewart Quartet GB 1982 Fotoband
170 Williams, Martin Jezz Heritage Williams Oxford USA 1985 History
171 Diverse 2.Europäischer Kongress Diverse Duisburg D 1987 Pädagogik
172 Storb, Ilse Jazlabor Storb Duisburg D 1986 Pädagogik
173 Kraner,
Dietrich Hans Koller
1947-1966 Koller, Hans Modern Jazz A 1966 Disco
174 Fleck, Robert Slam Stewart Stewart, Slam Fleck A Vortrag bei
Jazz Circle Zürich
175 Schulmann,
Hans-Jürgen Lennie Tristano Tristano, Lennie Duisburg D 1975 Examensarbeit
176 Moon, Pete Wynton Kelly Kelly, Wynton Discographical Forum GB Discography
177 Garrod,
Charles Stan Kenton
Vol.2 Kenton, Stan Discographie USA 1984 Discographie
178 Garrod, Charles Claude Thornhill Thornhill, Claude Discographie USA 1975 Discographie
179 Saks, Norman Yardbird Parker, Charlie Discographie USA 1989 Discographie
180 Diverse Jazz Aktuell Diverse Schott D 1968 Diverses
181 Berendt,
Joachim-Ernst Variationen über Jazz Berendt, Joachim-Ernst Nymphenburger D 1956 Aufsätze
182 Priestley, Brian Mingus Mingus, Charles Paladin GB 1985 Biographie
183 Davis, Francis Outcasts Davis, Francis Oxford USA 1990 History
184 Feather, Leonard Jazz Encyclopedia 70's Feather Horizon USA 1976 Encyclopedie
185 Jost,
Ekkehard Jazzmusiker Jost Ullstein D 1982 Soziologie
187 Traill, Sinclair Just Jazz 3 Traill Square GB 1959 Kritik/Disco
188 Hodeir, Andre The Worlds of Jazz Hodeir Evergreen USA 1972 Essays
189 Haydon,
Geoffrey Schwarze Rhythmen Haydon Knaur D 1986 Ursprung des
190 Cortazar,
Julio Reise um den
Tag in 80 Welten Cortazar Suhrkamp D 1979 Essays
191 Berendt,
Joachim-Ernst Das neue Jazzbuch Berendt, Joachim-Ernst Fischer D 1959 Jazzgeschichte
192 Berendt,
Joachim-Ernst Das Jazzbuch Berendt, Joachim-Ernst Fischer D 1973 Jazzgeschichte
193 Berendt,
Joachim-Ernst Das Jazzbuch Berendt, Joachim-Ernst Fischer D 1953 Jazzgeschichte
194 Berendt,
Joachim-Ernst Ein Fenster aus Jazz Berendt, Joachim-Ernst Fischer D 1978 Essays
195 Poindexter, Pony The Pony Express Poindexter, Pony JAS D 1985 Auto-biographie
196 Gordon, Robert Jazz West Coast Gordon, Robert Quartet GB 1990 History
197 Borris, Siegfried Modern Jazz Borris Rembrandt D 1962 History
198 Coleman, Janet Mingus,Mingus Mingus, Charles Creative USA 1989 Biography
199 Hentoff, Nat The Jazz Life Hentoff, Nat Dial USA 1961 Essays
200 Williams, Martin King Oliver Oliver, King Niggli CH 1960 Biographie
201 Jazz Bücherei
9 Schulz-Köhn:
Stan Kenton Kenton, Stan Pegasus D 1961 Biographie
202 Jazz Bücherei
6 Schulz-Köhn:
Django Reinhardt Reinhardt,
Django Pegasus D 1960 Biographie
203 Jazz Bücherei
5 Lange: Red
Nichols Nichols, Red Pegasus D 1960 Biographie
204 Jazz Bücherei
2 Burkhardt:
Lester Young Young, Lester Pegasus D 1959 Biographie
205 Jazz Bücherei
8 Lange: Nick
LaRocca LaRocca, Nick Pegasus D 1960 Biographie
206 Jazz Bücherei
7 Götze: Dizzy
Gillespie Gillespie, Dizzy Pegasus D 1960 Biographie
207 Engelen, Piet van Where's the music 1+2 Winding, Kai Micrography NL 1985 Discography
208 Hammond, Doug Lonely Music Man Hammond Jodgoa USA 1982 Poetry
209 Evensmo, Jan Lester Young Solography Young, Lester Evensmo N 1983 Solography
210 Bohländer,
Carlo Jazz Geschichte und Rhythmus Bohländer Schott D 1960 History
211 Monti, Pierre-Andre Booker Little Little, Booker Jazz 360 CH 1983 Discography
212 Hollenstein, Harald Lennie Tristano Tristano, Lennie Jazz 360 CH Discography
213 Cerutti, Gustave Fred van Hove Hove, Fred van Jazz 360 CH 1984 Discography
214 Ceruti, Gustave Jazz 360 Ceruti Jazz 360 CH 1983 Magazine
215 Cerutti, Gustave Evan Parker Parker, Evan Jazz 360 CH 1983 Discography
216 Hofman-Bakker Shorty Rogers 1+2 Rogers, Shorty Micrography NL 1983 Discography
217 Günther, John Jazz Geschichten Günther Mohn D 1963 Poetry
218 Wante,
Stephen V-Disc
Catalogue 1 Wante de Block B V-Discs
219 Teubig, Klaus V-Disc Catalogue 2 Teubig Musikbibliothek D 1976 V-Discs
220 FDJ-Filmklub 10 Jahre Diskurs Rostock DDR FDJ-Filmklub DDR 1983 DDR
221 Bloomfield, Michael Unterwegs mit Big Joe Williams, Big Joe JAS D 1980 Blues
222 Reichardt, Uwe Like a human Voice Dolphy, Eric Ruecker D 1986 Discography
223 Oehlmann, Johannes Jazzaz Oehlmann Focus D 1982 Poetry
224 Oliver, Paul Bessie Smith Smith, Bessie Perpetua USA 1971 Blues
225 Brown, Cecil Leben und Lieben des
Mr.Jazzarsch Nigger Brown Greno D 1987 Poetry
226 Billard, Francois Lennie Tristano Tristano, Lennie Editions du limon F 1988 Bio- + Discography
227 Lehmann, Theo Gospelmusik ist mein Leben Jackson, Mahalia Union D Biography
228 Horricks, Raymond Gerry Mulligan Mulligan, Gerry Apollo GB 1986 Biography
229 Treadwell, Bill Big Book of Swing Treadwell Cambridge House USA 1946
230 Chilton, John Who's who of Jazz Chilton Bloomsbury GB 1970
231 Stratemann,
Klaus Negro Bands on Film Stratemann Uhle & Kleimann D 1981 Filmography
232 Whiteman, Paul Jazz Whiteman Arno Press USA 1974 Autobiography
233 Laing, Ralph & Sheridan, Chris Jazz Records A-L Laing Jazzmedia DK 1981
234 Laing, Ralph & Sheridan, Chris Jazz Records M-Z Laing Jazzmedia DK 1981
235 Hippenmeyer, Jean-Roland Swiss Jazz Disco Hippenmeyer Editions de la Thiele CH 1977 Discography
236 Kraner,
Dietrich/Schulz, Klaus Jazz in
Austria Kraner Universal Edition A 1972 Discography
237 Sanford, Herb Tommy and Jimmy: The Dorsey
Years Dorsey Brothers Arlington House USA 1972 Biography
238 Stratemann,
Klaus Buddy Rich and Gene Krupa Stratemann Uhle & Kleimann D 1980 Filmography
239 Belach, Helga Wir tanzen um die Welt Belach, Helga Hanser D 1979 Revuefilme
240 Panassié,
Hugues Die Geschichte des echten Jazz Panassie Signum D History
241 Wölfer,
Jürgen Handbuch des
Jazz Wölfer Heyne D 1979 Stichworte
242 Simon, George T. Glenn Miller & His
Orchestra Miller, Glenn Crowell USA 1974 Biography
243 Fernett, Gene Swing Out Fernett Pendell USA 1970 History
244 Springer, John All Talking!All Singing!All
dancing! Springer Citadel USA 1966 Movie Musical
245 Simon, George T. The Big Bands Simon Macmillian GB 1967 Big Bands
246 Walker, Leo Big Band Almanac Walker Ward Ritchie USA Big Bands
247 Shaw, Arnold 52nd St. Shaw DaCapo USA 1977 History
248 McCarthy, Albert Dance Band Era McCarthy Studio Vista London 1971 History
249 Rust, Brian Amercian Record Label Book Rust, Brian Arlington USA 1978 History
250 Jackson, Arthur World of Big Bands Jackson, Arthur David & Charles London 1977 History
251 Russell, Ross Jazz Style in Kansas City Russell University of California USA 1971 History
252 Driggs, Frank/Lewine, Harris Black Beauty, white heat Driggs Morrow USA 1982 History
253 Goddard, Chris Jazz away from home Goddard Paddington USA 1979 History
254 Lange, Horst
H. Jazz in
Deutschland Lange Colloquium D 1966 History
255 Walker, Leo Great Dance Bands Walker Howell-North USA 1964 Dance Bands
256 Rust, Brian The Dance Bands Rust, Brian Ian Allan GB 1972 Dance Bands
257 Fernett, Gene Thousand golden horns Fernett Pendell USA 1966 Dance Bands
258 Rose, Al/Souchon, Edmond The Family Album Rose Louisiana State University USA 1967 New Orleans
259 McCarthy, Albert Big band jazz McCarthy Barry & Jenkins USA 1974 Big Bands
260 Weir, Bob Art Ford's Jazz Party Weir Weir GB 1987 Filmography
261 Bergmeier,
H.J.P Weintraub Story Weintraub Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Bio/Discography
262 Danca, Vince Bunny Berigan, Bunny Danca USA 1978 Bio/Discography
263 Grundmann,
Jan Jazz aus den Trümmern Grundmann Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Dokumentation
264 Lotz, Rainer
E. Hot Dance
Bands in Germany Lotz Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Dokumentation
265 Schütte,
Joachim RBT-Orchester Schütte Der Jazzfreund D 1977 Dokumentation
266 Conrad,
Gerhard Discographie 1 Conrad Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Discographie
267 Conrad,
Gerhard Discographie 2 Conrad Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Discographie
268 Conrad,
Gerhard Discographie 3 Conrad Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Discographie
269 Conrad,
Gerhard Discographie 4 Conrad Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Discographie
270 Conrad,
Gerhard Discographie 5 Conrad Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Discographie
271 Conrad,
Gerhard Discographie 6 Conrad Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Discographie
272 Conrad,
Gerhard Discographie 7 Conrad Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Discographie
273 Conrad,
Gerhard Discographie 8 Conrad Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Discographie
274 Conrad,
Gerhard Discographie 9 Conrad Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Discographie
275 Conrad,
Gerhard Discographie 10 Conrad Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Discographie
276 Conrad,
Gerhard Discographie 11 Conrad Der Jazzfreund D 1982 Discographie
277 White, Bozy Eddie Condon Town Hall
Broadcasts Condon, Eddie Shoestring Records USA 1980 Broadcasts
278 Meeker, David Jazz in the Movies Meeker Arlington House USA 1977 Filmography
279 Garrod, Charles McIntyre, Hal McIntyre, Hal Joyce USA 1974 Discography
280 Garrod, Charles Beneke, Tex Beneke, Tex Joyce USA 1973 Discography
281 Garrod, Charles Pastor, Tony Pastor, Tony Joyce USA 1973 Discography
282 Garrod, Charles Chester, Bob/Powell, Teddy Chester, Bob/Powell, Teddy Joyce USA 1974 Discography
283 Lerfeldt/Sjögren Chet Baker, Chet Skifter DK 1985 Discography
284 Borromeo, Filippo Slam Stewart Stewart, Slam Discographical Forum GB Discography
285 Wilbraham, Roy Hank Mobley Mobley, Hank Discographical Forum GB Discography
286 Moon, Pete Sonny Rollins Rollins, Sonny Discographical Forum GB Discography
287 Williams, Tony Charlie Parker Parker, Charlie Discographical Forum GB Discography
288 Goldblatt Newport Goldblatt USA
289 Gordon, Robert Jazz West Coast Gordon, Robert Quartet Books London 1986
290 Garrod, Charles Tommy Dorsey Dorsey, Tommy Joyce USA Discography
291 Garrod, Charles Harry James 1 James, Harry Joyce USA 1975 Discography
292 Garrod, Charles Harry James 2 James, Harry Joyce USA 1975 Discography
293 Valentin, Gorm And all that Jazz Valentin Borgen DK
294 Wilson, Peter Niklas Anthony Braxton Braxton, Anthony Oreos D 1993
295 Sudhalter,
Richard Bix Beiderbecke, Bix Quartet London 1974
296 Malson, L. Die Meister des Jazz Malson Hoeppner D
297 Berendt,
Joachim-Ernst Das Jazzbuch Berendt, Joachim-Ernst Fischer D 1992
298 Buholzer/Rosenthal/Wilmer Auf der Suche nach Cecil Taylor Taylor, Cecil Wolke D 1990
299 Susat, Jürgen Uncompromising Lennie Tristano Tristano, Lennie Der Jazzfreund D 1986 Discography
300 Noglik, Bert Jazz-Werkstatt Noglik RoRoRo D 1983
301 Lippegaus,
Karl Die Stille im
Kopf Lippegaus Nieswand D Interviews
302 Nicholson,
Stuart Ella - Die Stimme im Jazz Fitzgarald, Ella Bertelsmann D 1993 Biography
303 Schulz-Köhn,
Dietrich Die Evergren Story Schulz-Koehn Quadriga D 1990
304 Paulot, Bruno Albert Mangelsdorff Mangelsdorff, Albert Oreos D 1993
305 Schulz, Klaus Hans Koller Koller, Hans Wiener Musikgalerie A 1993
306 Walker, Malcolm James Moody Moody, James Discographical Forum GB
307 Weber/Filtgen Charles Mingus Mingus, Charles Oreos D
308 Schmitz/Maier Django Reinhardt Reinhardt, Django Oreos D
309 Fitterling, Thomas Thelonious Monk Monk, Thelonious Oreos D 1987
310 Wilson/Goeman Charlie Parker Parker, Charlie Oreos D 1988
311 Andresen, Uwe Keith Jarrett Jarrett, Keith Oreos D
312 Diverse Jazz Hero's Data Bank Data Bank JICC J 1991 Discography
313 Priestley, Brian Jazz on Records Priestley Hannibal GB/A 1990
314 Meyer, Alwin Jazz '94 Meyer Lamuv D 1993 Kalender
315 Diverse Jazzatelier Ulrichsberg Diverse Jazzatelier A 1993
316 Zwerin, Mike Entartete Musik Zwerin Hannibal A 1985
317 Harrison,
David Die Welt des
Blues Harrison Müller D 1993
318 Geerken,
Hartmut Omniverse Sun Ra Waitawhile D 1994
319 Godbolt, Jim Die Welt des Jazz Godbolt Müller D 1992
320 Landolt/Wyss Die lachenden Aussenseiter Landolt Rotpunktverlag CH 1994
321 Abrams, Max The book of Django Reinhardt, Django Abrams USA 1973
322 Placksin, Sally Frauen im Jazz Placksin Hannibal A 1989
323 Krellmann,
Hanspeter George Gershwin Gershwin, George RoRoRo D 1988 Klassik
324 Armitage,
Merle George Gershwin Gershwin, George Arche CH 1959 Klassik
325 Ewen, David George Gershwin Gershwin, George Hannibal A 1986 Klassik
326 Volta,
Ornella Erik Satie Satie, Erik R & B D 1984 Klassik
327 Friedrich,
Otto Glenn Gould Gould, Glenn RoroRo D 1989 Klassik
328 Albet,
Montserrat Moderne Musik Albet RoRoRo D 1977 Klassik
329 Dibelius,
Ulrich Verwaltete
Musik Dibelius Hanser D 1971 Klassik
330 DeAgostini Georg Gershwin Gershwin, George Partwork Service D 1994 Klassik
331 Clauss,
Ludwig Ferdinand Lieder der
Edda Clauss Lehmann D 1921 Klassik
332 Heister/Sparrer Der Komponist Isang Yun Yun, Isang Edition Text+Kritik D 1987 Klassik
333 Mayer, Ludwig
K. Musikgeschichte Mayer Leitner A 1960 Klassik
334 Borris,
Siegfried Der Schlüssel
zur Musik von heute Borris Econ D 1967 Klassik
335 Krellmann,
Hanspeter Webern Webern, Anton RoRoRo D 1975 Klassik
336 Michels,
Ulrich DTV-Atlas zur
Musik 1 +2 Michels DTV D 1994 Klassik
337 Ziegenrücker,
Wieland Allgemeine Musiklehre Ziegenrücker Piper-Schott D 1977 Klassik
338 Kaiser,
Joachim Große
Pianisten unserer Zeit Kaiser Piper-Schott D 1989 Klassik
339 Thiessen, Rudi It's only rock'n'roll but I
like it Thiessen Medusa D 1981 Pop
340 Scaduto,
Anthony Bob Dylan Dylan, Bob Zweitausendeins D 1971 Pop
341 Salzinger,
Helmut Rock Power Salzinger Fischer D 1972 Pop
342 Lennon, John In seiner eigenen Schreibe Lennon, John Bertelsmann D Pop
343 Lennon, John Remembers Lennon, John Penguin GB 1970 Pop
344 Cohn, Nik AwopbopalooBopALopBamBoom Cohn RoRoRo D 1971 Pop
345 Roxon, Lillian Rock Encyclopedia Roxon Universal Library USA 1971 Pop
346 Shaw, Arnold Rock 'n' Roll Shaw Ro Ro Ro D 1974 Pop
347 Blankertz/Alsmann Rock 'n' Roll Subersiv Blankertz Büchse der Pandora D 1979 Pop
348 Hoffmann,
Raoul Zwische Galaxis & Underground Hoffmann DTV D 1971 Pop
349 Schmidt-Joos/Graves Rock Lexikon Schmidt-Joos RoRoRo D 1973 Pop
350 Zappa, Frank Songbook Zappa, Frank Zweitausendeins D 1977 Pop
351 Diverse Rock Session 1 Diverse RoRoRo D 1977 Pop
352 Diverse Rock Session 7 Diverse RoRoRo D 1983 Pop
353 Beatles Songbook Beatles DTV D 1971 Pop
354 Miller, Jim Rolling Stone History of Rock
& Roll Miller Rolling Stone Press USA 1976 Pop
355 Plaumann,
Klaus The Beat Age Plaumann Zweitausendeins D 1978 Pop
356 Nestele/Puth HiFi & CD Nestele Tomus D 1989 Pop
357 Renner/Schweizer Reclams Konzertführer Renner Reclam D 1994 Klassik
358 Remus,
Matthias Mozart Mozart Parkland D 1991 Klassik
359 Pahlen, Kurt Sinfonie der Welt Pahlen Gondrom D 1992 Klassik
360 Pahlen, Kurt Oper der Welt Pahlen Gondrom D 1992 Klassik
361 Weiler, Uwe The Debut Label Weiler Weiler D 1994 Jazz
362 Vian, Boris Rundherum um Mitternacht Vian Hannibal A 1989 Jazz
363 Grun,
Bernhard Durchs
Notenschlüsselloch betrachtet Grun Langen-Müller D Klassik
364 Schulz-Koehn,
Dietrich-Kamien, Dave Let's swing Schulz-Koehn VGS D 1979 Jazz
365 Baker,
Dorothy Verklungene
Trompete Beiderbecke, Bix Luchterhand D 1992 Jazz
366 Wendt, Gunna Die Jazz-Frauen Wendt Luchterhand D 1992 Jazz
367 Goodman,
Benny Mein Weg zum Jazz Goodman, Benny Luchterhand D 1993 Jazz
368 Ellington,
Duke Solitude Ellington, Duke Luchterhand D 1992 Jazz
369 Wulff, Ingo
(Herausg.) Chet Baker in Europe Baker, Chet Nieswand D 1993 Jazz
370 Wagner,
Christoph Das Akkordeon Wagner Transit D 1993 Instrumente
371 Gignoux, Dany Dizzy Gillespie Gillespie, Dizzy Nieswand D Jazz
372 Horricks, Raymond These Jazzmen of our time Horricks Jazz Book Club GB 1960 Jazz
373 Britt, Stan Round Midnight Dexter Gordon Gordon, Dexter Hannibal D 1989 Biographie
374 Clarke, Donald Billie Holiday Wishing on the
moon Holiday, Billie Piper D 1995 Biographie/Discography
375 Kernfeld, Barry New Grove Dictionary Kernfeld Macmillan GB 1994 Dictionary
376 Seel, Ludwig Deutsches Jazzfestival Frankfurt Seel Hessischer Rundfunk D 1994
377 Umphred, Neal Goldmine Price Guide Preise Krause USA 1994 Price Catalogue
378 Collier, James Lincoln Duke Ellington Ellington, Duke Michael Joseph GB 1987 Biographie
381 Dance, Stanley The world of Duke Ellington Ellington, Duke Macmillan GB 1970 Biography
383 Callender, Red Unfinished dream Callender, Red Quartet GB 1985 Biography
385 Gourse, Leslie Unforgettable Cole, Nat King A & M USA 1992 Biography
386 Baron, Stanley Benny King of swing Goodman, Benny Thames & Hudson USA 1979 Biography
387 Calloway, Cab Of Minnie the Moocher & Me Calloway, Cab Crowell USA 1976 Biography
389 Litweiler, John Ornette Coleman Harmolodic
life Coleman, Ornette Quartet GB 1992 Biography
391 Collier, James Lincoln Louis Armstrong Armstrong, Louis Pan Books GB 1984 Biography
392 Armstrong, Louis Mein Leben, Mein New Orleans Armstrong, Louis RoRoRo D 1962 Biography
393 Dance, Stanley The world of Count Basie Basie, Count Scribners USA 1980 Biography
395 Morgan, Alun Count Basie Basie, Count Spellbound GB 1984 Biography
396 Chilton, John Sidney Bechet - The wizard of
Jazz Bechet, Sidney Macmillan GB 1987 Biography
400 Grime, Kitty Jazz Voices Grime Quartet GB 1983 Statements
401 Giddins, Gary Rhythm-a-ning Giddins Oxford USA 1985 History
402 Harrison, Max Essential Jazz Records Harrison Da Capo USA 1984 Jazzkritiken
403 Giddins, Gary Riding on a blue note Giddins Oxford USA 1985 History
404 Lees, Gene Meet me at Jim & Andy's Lees, Gene Oxford USA 1988 History
407 Hentoff, Nat Jazz is Hentoff, Nat Ridge Press USA 1976 History
409 James, Burnett Coleman Hawkins Hawkins, Coleman Spellmount GB 1984 Biography
410 Smith, Geoffrey Stephane Grappelli Grappelli, Stephane Pavillon GB 1987 Biography
411 Schwartz, Charles Cole Porter Porter, Cole Da Capo USA 1979 Biography
412 Chilton, John Billie's Blues Holiday, Billie Quartet GB 1975 Biography
413 Lees, Gene The Will to Swing Peterson, Oscar Macmillan USA 1988 Biography
415 Sonnier, Austin M. Willie Geary "Bunk" Johnson Johnson, Bunk Creshendo USA 1977 Biography
416 Hillman, Christopher Bunk Johnson Johnson, Bunk Spellmount GB 1988 Biography
417 Britt, Stan Long Tall Dexter Gordon, Dexter Quartet GB 1989 Biography
418 Brown, Ron Georgia on my mind Gonella, Nat Milestone GB 1985 Biography
419 Cugny, Laurent Las Vegas Tango Evans, Gil Collection Birdland F 1989 Biography
420 Easton, Carol Straight ahead Kenton, Stan Da Capo USA 1973 Biography
421 Bethell, Tom George Lewis A Jazzman from
New Orleans Lewis, George University of California USA 1979 Biography
422 McPartland, Marian All in good time McPartland, Marian Oxford University USA 1987 Biography
424 Douglas-Home, Robin Sinatra Sinatra, Frank Michael Joseph GB 1962 Biography
425 Shaw, Arnold Sinatra Sinatra, Frank Allen GB 1968 Biography
426 Hoefer, George Music on my mind Smith, Willie The Lion Jazz Book Club GB 1966 Biography
427 Smith, Jay D. The story of A Jazz Maverick Teagarden, Jack Da Capo USA 1960 Biography
428 Drew, David Kurt Weill - A Handbook Weill, Kurt Faber & Faber GB 1987 Biography
429 Dance, Stanley The night people Wells, Dicky Smithsonian USA 1991 Biography
430 Gourse, Leslie Everyday Williams, Joe Da Capo USA 1985 Biography
431 Williams, Martin Jazz Masters in Transition Williams, Martin Da Capo USA 1970 History
434 Stewart, Rex Jazz Masters of the 30's Stewart, Rex Da Capo USA 1972 History
435 Williams, Martin Jazz Masters of New Orleans Williams, Martin Da Cap0 USA 1967 History
437 Stearns, Marshall W. The Story of Jazz Stearns, Marshall W. Oxford GB 1956 History
438 Van den Hoof, Marc Jazz Middleheim Van den Hoof, Marc BRT B History
439 Kozinn, Allan The guitar Kozinn, Allan Quill USA 1984 History
440 Britt, Stan The Jazz Guitarist Britt, Stan Blanford Press GB 1984 History
442 Rose, Alan I remember Jazz Rose, Alan Equation GB 1987 History
443 Balliett, Whitney American Singers Balliett, Whitney Oxford GB 1988 History
444 Balliett, Whitney Jelly Roll, Jabbo & Fats Balliett, Whitney Oxford GB 1983 History
445 Balliett, Whitney Barney, Bradley and Max Balliett, Whitney Oxford USA 1989 History
446 Gourse, Leslie Louis' children Gourse, Leslie Quill USA 1984 History
448 Hodeir, André Toward Jazz Hodeir, André Da Capo USA 1962 History
449 Fox, Ted Showtime at the Apollo Fox, Ted Quartet GB 1985 History
452 Zwerin, Mike Close enough for jazz Zwerin, Mike Quartet GB 1983 Biography
453 Lyons, Len 101 Best Jazz Albums Lyons, Len Morrow USA 1980 History
456 Feigin, Leo Russian Jazz New Identity Feigin, Leo Quartet GB 1985 History
457 Frank, Alan Sinatra Sinatra, Frank Hamlyn GB 1978 Biography
458 Dance, Stanley The World of Earl Hines Hines, Earl Da Capo USA 1977 Biography
461 Rivelli, Pauline Giants of black music Rivelli, Pauline Da Capo USA 1965 History
462 Green, Benny The reluctant art Green, Benny Jazz Book Club GB 1964 History
463 Fox, Charles Jazz on record Fox, Charles Arrow Books GB 1960 History
465 Gleason, Ralph Jam Session Gleason, Ralph Jazz Book Club GB 1961 History
466 Dahl, Linda Stormy weather Dahl, Linda Pantheon Books USA 1984 History
467 Doctor, Gary L. The Sinatra Scapbook Sinatra, Frank Citadel Press USA 1991 Biography
469 Jones, Leroi Black music Jones, Leroi Morrow USA 1967
470 Fordham, John Let's join hands Fordham, John ElmTree GB 1986
471 Balliett, Whitney Night creature Balliett, Whitney Oxford USA 1981
473 Paiste Service Profiles of International
drummers Paiste Paiste CH
474 Jones, Max Talking Jazz Jones, Max Papermac GB 1987
475 Gitler, Ira Swing to Bop Gitler, Ira Oxford USA 1985
476 Wilmer, Valerie Jazz people Wilmer, Valerie Allison + Bushby GB 1970 Portraits
477 Wilmer, Valerie As serious as your life Wilmer, Valerie Pluto Press GB 1977
478 Spellman, A.B. Four lives in the bebop
business Spellman, A.B. Limelight USA 1985 Portraits
479 Balliett, Whitney New York Notes Balliett, Whitney Da Capo USA 1977
480 Jungermann, Jimmy Ella Fitzgerald Fitzgerald, Ella Pegasus D 1960 Biography
481 Kimball, Robert The Gershwins Gershwin, George Atheneum USA 1973 Biography
482 Collier, James Benny Goodman and the Swing
Era Goodman, Benny Oxford USA 1989 Historie
483 Elvers, Erwin Werner Keller - Tremble Kids Tremble Kids Eurojazz Discos NL 1997 Discography
484 Schneider, Hawe Und abends swing Schneider, Hawe/Spree City
Stompers Schillinger D 1985 Biography
485 Albertosn, Chris Bessie Empress of the blues Smith, Bessie Abacus GB 1975 Biography
486 Berendt, Joachim-Ernst Blues Berendt, Joachim-Ernst Edition Gerig D 1970 History
487 Buerkle, Jack V. Bourbon Street Black New Orleans Oxford GB 1973 History
488 Claxton, William Jazz West Coast Claxton, William Bijutsu/Shuppan J 1992 West Coast Cover
489 Collier, James The Making of Jazz Collier, James Granada GB 1978 History
490 Daver, Manek Jazz Album Covers Daver, Manek Shuppan J 1994 Album Covers
491 Gottlieb, William The Golden Age of Jazz Gottlieb, William Simon & Schuster USA 1979 History
492 Harris, Sheldon Blues who's who Harris, Sheldon Arlington USA 1979 History
493 Mukoda, Naoki Jazzical Moods Mukoda, Naoki Bijutsu/Shuppan J 1993 Jazz Cover
494 Munzinger,
Tony Jazz Munzinger, Tony Edition Galatis CH 1965 Zeichnungen
495 Ogren, Kathy The Jazz Revolution Ogren, Kathy Oxford USA 1989 History
496 Oliver, Paul Blues fell this morning Oliver, Paul Jazz Book Club GB 1963 History
497 Schuller,
Gunther Early Jazz Schuller, Gunther Oxford USA 1968 History
498 Shaw, Arnold The Jazz Age Shaw, Arnold Oxford USA 1987 History
499 (var) Selections from the Gutter (var) California Press USA 1977 Portraits
500 (var) Oh Susanna (var) Kiepenheuer & Witsch D 1959 Songs
501 (var) Amerika singt (var) Büchergilde Gutenberg D Songs
502 (var) 4/4 Musik Magazin (var) Capricio D 1953 Magazin
503 (var) Die Schallplatte (var) Teldec D 1953 Magazin
504 Armstrong, Louis Mein Leben in New Orleans Henschel D 1967 Biography
505 Calloway, Cab Discography Discography Joyce USA 1976 Discography
506 Barnet, Charlie Discography Discography Joyce USA 1984 Discography
507 Dorsey, Tommy Discography Vol.2 Discography Joyce USA Discography
508 Hawkins, Erskine Discography Discography Joyce USA 1992 Discography
509 Harrell, Tom Discography Discography Gottwald D 1996 Discography
510 Cheatham, Doc I guess I'll get the papers Cheatham, Doc Cassell USA 1995 Biography
511 James, Harry Discography Vol.3 Discography Joyce USA 1985 Discography
512 Koglmann, Franz O moon my pin-up Biography Wespennest A 1998 Biography
513 Lauth, Wolfgang These foolish things Jazztime in Deutschland Quadrate D 1999 History/Biography
514 Lunceford, Jimmie Discography Discography Joyce USA 1990 Discography
515 Shaw, Artie Discography Discography Joyce USA 1986 Discography
516 Webb, Chick Discography Discography Joyce USA 1993 Discography
517 Asriel, Andre Jazz Aspekte und Analysen VEB DDR 1985 Theorie
518 Baker, David Jazz Quizz Book Jazz Quizz Frangipani USA 1984 Quizz
519 Berendt,
Joachim-Ernst Die Story des Jazz History rororo D 1978 History
520 Berendt,
Joachim-Ernst Nada Brahma Die Welt ist Klang Insel D 1983 Sound
521 Berendt,
Joachim-Ernst Photo-Story des Jazz Photos Krüger D 1978 History
522 Chase/britt Encyclopedia of Jazz Encyclopedie Salamander GB 1978 Encyclopedie
523 Claxton, William Seen Photos Taschen D
524 Doctorow, E.L. Ragtime Ragtime rororo D 1982 Roman
525 Evers, John 777 Jazzwitze Jazzwitze John's jazz jokes A 1999 Witze
526 Feather, Leonard The book of jazz From then till now Laurel USA 1957 History
527 Keepnews, Orrin Jazz Photostory Sanssoucci CH 1958 History
528 Schüller,
Martin Jazz Krimi Emons D 2000 Roman
529 Tanner, Lee Photographs Photos Pomegranate USA
530 Thieme, Rainer Brain Discography Eigen D 2001 Discography
531 Thieme, Rainer Vertigo Discography Eigen D 2001 Discography
532 Williams, John A. Night song Roman rororo D 1981 Roman
533 Polish Music Forum Annual Edition 1969/70 History Jazzforum PL 1970 History
534 Wood, Graham Rock and Roll Rock and Roll Studio Vista GB 1971 Pop History
535 Zahn, Robert
v. Jazz in
NordrheinWestfalen Jazz in NordrheinWestfalen emons D 1999 Jazz in NordrheinWestfalen
536 Zahn, Robert
v. Jazz in Köln Jazz in Köln emons D 1997 Jazz in Köln
537 xxx Montreux Jazz Festival Montreux Ward CH 1996 Montreux
538 xxx Watt Works Family WATT WATT USA 1990 WATT
539 xxx Jazz im Kornhaus Kornhaus/Kirchheim Kornhaus D 1983 Programm
540 Bohländer,
Carlo Die Anatomie des Swing Swing JAS D 1985 Stilkunde
541 Clayton, Peter Guiness Jazz Terms Guinness Books GB 1986 History
542 Feather, Leonard The pleasures of Jazz History Delta USA 1976 History
543 Feather, Leonard The Encyclopedia of Jazz Encyclopedie Bonanza USA History
544 Gerlach, Jens Jazz Gedichte Gedichte Aufbau D Poems
545 Haarmann,
Rainer Jazz Baltica 91 Dokumentation Nieswand D 1991 Dokumentation
546 Stokes, W.Royal The Jazz Scene History Oxford USA 1991 History
547 Wagner, Christoph Die Mundharmonika History Transit D 1996 History
548 Ewen, David George Gershwin Gershwin Armed Forces Edition USA 1943 Biography
549 Ewen, David Jazz Book 1944 Jazz 1944 Armed Forces Edition USA 1944 Jazz 1944
550 Goffin, Robert Jazz History Armed Forces Edition USA 1943 History
551 Kolodin, Irving The kingdom of swing Benny
Goodman Benny Goodman Armed Forces Edition USA 1939 Biography
552 Ewen, David Men of popular music History Armed Forces Edition USA 1944 History
553 Rasmussen, Lars Abdullah Ibrahim Discography Booktrader DK 1998 Discography
554 Rasmussen, Lars Sathima Bea Benjamin Biography Booktrader DK 2000 Biography
555 Condon, Eddie Scrapbook of Jazz Biography Galahad USA 1973 Biography
556 Krupa, Gene Discography Discography Jazz Discographies USA 1975 Discography
557 Mingus, Charles Discography Ruppli/Discography Ruecker D 1981 Discography
558 Hübner, Abi Louis Armstrong Armstrong, Louis Oreos D 1994 Bio/Disco
559 Winkler, Hans Jürgen Louis Armstrong Armstrong, Louis Pegasus D 1962 Biography
560 O'Brien, Ralph Louis Armstrong Armstrong, Louis Sanssouci CH 1960 Bildchronik
561 McCarthy, Albert J Louis Armstrong Armstrong, Louis Hatje D 1960 Biography
562 Miller, Marc H. Louis Armstrong Armstrong, Louis Heyne D 1994 Biography
563 Lewien, Lothar Chet Baker Blue Notes Baker, Chet Hanibal A 1991 Biography
564 Sjogren, Thorgjorn The music of Chet Baker Baker, Chet Sjogren DK 1993 Discography
565 Claxton, William Young Chet Baker, Chet Schirmer/Mosel D 1993 Photos
566 Bielderman, Gerard 40 Years in music Barber, Chris Bielderman NL 1991 Discography
567 Sheridan, Chris Count Basie Basie, Count Greenwood USA 1986 Bio/Discography
568 Mauerer, Hans J. Sidney Bechet Bechet, Sidney Knudsen DK 1969 Discography
569 Bechet, Sidney Sidney Bechet Bechet, Sidney Ex Libris CH 1961 Auto-Biography
570 Kunst, Peter Sidney Bechet Bechet, Sidney Pegasus D 1959 Biography
571 Scheuer,
Klaus Bix
Beiderbecke Beiderbecke,
Bix Oreos D 1995 Bio/Discography
572 Martyn, Barry With Louis and the Duke Bigard, Barney Macmillan GB 1981 Biography
573 Berger, Morroe Benny Carter Carter, Benny Scrarecrow USA 1982 Biography
574 Berger, Morroe Benny Carter Carter, Benny Scrarecrow USA 1982 Discography
575 Weir, Bob Buck Clayton Clayton, Buck Storyville GB 19890 Discography
576 Teubig, Klaus Straighten up and fly right Cole, Nat King Greenwood USA 1994 Discography
577 Stockdale, Robert On the side Dorsey, Tommy Scrarecrow USA 1995 Discography
578 Berger, Edward Bassically speaking Duvivier, George Scrarecrow USA 1993 Bio/Discography
579 Nicholson, Stuart Duke Ellington Ellington, Duke Sidgwick & Jackson GB 1999 Biography
580 Stratemann, Klaus Duke Ellington Day by day Ellington, Duke Jazzmedia DK 1992 Filmography
581 Greene, R. Duke Ellington Ellington, Duke Sanssouci CH 1961 Biography
582 Ambor, Rolf Ella Fitzgerald, Ella Rolf Müller D 1961 Fotos
583 Astrup, Arne Stan Getz Discography Getz, Stan Astrup DK Discography
584 Schaal, Hans-Jürgen Stan Getz Getz, Stan Oreos D 1994 Bio/Discography
585 James,
Michael Dizzy
Gillespie Gillespie,
Dizzy Hatje D 1959 Biography
586 Goodman,
Benny Mein Weg zum Jazz Goodman, Benny Sanssouci CH 1961 Autobiography
587 Goodman, Benny King...of...swing Goodman, Benny Heinrichshofen D 1979 Biography
588 Connor, D.Russell Listen to his legacy Goodman, Benny Scarecrow USA 1988 Discography
589 Simonds, Roy King Curtis Curtis, King Simonds GB 1984 Discography
590 Flückiger, Otto Lionel Hampton Hampton, Lionel Jazz Publications CH 1961 Discography
591 Flückiger, Otto Lionel Hampton Hampton, Lionel Jazz Publications CH 1962 Discography
592 Munoz/Sampayo Billie Holiday Holiday, Billie Edition Moderne CH 1990 Comic
593 Vall, Ken Lady Day's diary Holiday, Billie Castle GB 1996 Tagebuch
594 Fini, Francesco Jay Jay Johnson Johnson, Jay Jay Imola I 1962 Discography
595 Elvers, Erwin Oscar Klein Klein, Oscar Eurojazz Discos NL 1986 Discography
596 Kraner,
Dietrich Hans Koller
Disco Koller, Hans Modern Jazz A 1967 Discography
597 Ronowski,
Ernst Gene Krupa Krupa, Gene Ronowski D 1985 Bio/Discography
598 Ronowski,
Ernst Gene Krupa Krupa, Gene Ronowski D 1987 Discography
599 Lange, Horst H. Nick LaRocca LaRocca, Nick Pegasus D 1960 Biography
600 Ponzio, Jacques Blue Monk Monk, Thelonious Hanibal A 1997 Biography
601 Lomax, Alan Doctor Jazz Morton, Jelly roll Ex Libris CH 1960 Biography
602 Goggin, Jim Just for the record Murphy, Turk San Francisco USA 1982 Biography
603 Schmidt,
Siegfried Charlie Parker Parker, Charlie Pegasus D 1959 Biography
604 Lees, Gene The will to swing Peterson, Oscar Hanibal A 1990 Biography
605 Schulz-Köhn,
Dietrich Django Reinhardt Reinhardt, Django Pegasus D 1960 Biography
606 Delaunay, Charles Django Reinhardt Reinhardt, Django Cassel GB 1961 Biography
607 Hilbert, Robert Pee Wee Speaks Russell, Pee Wee Scarecrow USA 1992 Discography
608 Sinatra, Nancy Frank Sinatra Sinatra, Frank GPG USA 1995 Biography
609 Sloane, Carol Carol Sloane Sloane, Carol J 1991 Discography
610 Wyatt, Bert The lonesome road Spanier, Muggsy Jazzology USA 1995 Bio/Discography
611 Stauffer,
Teddy Es war und
ist ein herrliches Leben Stauffer,
Teddy Ullstein D 1968 Biography
612 Radzitzky, Carlos de Clark Terry Terry, Clark United Hot Club B 1968 Discography
613 Davies, John R.T. Music of Fats Waller Waller, Fats Friends of Fats GB 1953 Discography
614 Langhorn/Sjogren Ben Webster Webster, Ben Jazzmedia DK 1996 Discography
615 Heman, Frank Alice Babs Babs, Alice Hedman S 1973 Discography
616 Iida, Y. Chris Connor Connor, Chris Iida J Discography
617 Jepsen,
Jorgen Konitz/Mulligan Konitz/Mulligan Debut DK 1960 Discography
618 Hoffmann,
Franz Allen/Higginbotham Allen/Higginbotham Hoffmann D 1982 Discography
619 Leder, Jan Women in Jazz Frauen Greenwood USA 1985 Discography
620 Stagg, Tom New Orleans-The Revival Eaves USA 1973 Discography
621 Donder, Jempi de On Tour De Donder B Discography
622 Sears, Richard V-Discs V-Discs Greenwood USA 1980 Discography
623 Sears, Richard V-Discs First Supplement V-Discs Greenwood USA 1986 Discography
624 Fischer, Klaus-Gott Jazzin' the Black Forrest SABA/MPS Crippled D 1999 Discography
625 Suzuki, Naoki Jazz on Japanese TV TV Suzuki J 1992 Video
626 Suzuki, Naoki Jazz on Japanese TV TV Suzuki J 1993 Video
627 Litchfield, Jack This is Jazz Radio Litchfield Can 1985 Tapes
628 Lotz, Rainer AFRS Vol.1 Radio Ruecker D 1985 Tapes
629 Lotz, Rainer AFRS Vol.2 Radio Ruecker D 1985 Tapes
630 Stratemann,
Klaus Films Shaw/Miller/Pastor Jazzfreund D 1980 Film
631 Kraner, Dietrich Jazz in Austria Austria Kraner A 1969 History/Discography
632 Pernet, Robert Belgian Jazz Discography Belgien Pernet B 1999 Discography
633 Litchfield, Jack Canadian Jazz Discography Canada Uni Toronto CAN 1982 Discography
634 Wiedemann,
Erik Jazz in Danmark Danmark Gyldendal DK 1982 Discography
635 Lange, Horst
H. Deutsche 78er
Discography Deutschland Panther D 1992 Discography
636 Zwartenkot, Henk Dutch Jazz&Blues
Discography Dutch Spectrum NL 1981 Discography
637 Brard, Olivier Le Jazz en France 1 France MAD F 1991 Discography
638 Brard, Olivier Le Jazz en France 2 France MAD F 1991 Discography
639 Brard, Olivier Le Jazz en France 3 France MAD F 1991 Discography
640 Cherrington, George Jazz Catalogue 1960 Great Britain Jazz Journal GB 1961
641 Barazzetta, Giuseppe Jazz inciso in Italia Italia Messaggerie Musicali I 1960 Discography
641 Barazzetta, Giuseppe Jazz inciso in Italia Italia Messaggerie Musicali I 1960 Discography
642 Nicolausson, Harry Swedish Jazz Discography Sweden Swedish Music S 1983 Discography
643 Englund, Björn Jazz pa Cupol Cupol Jazzavdelningen S 1982 Discography
644 Mingotti,
Antonio Gershwin Gershwin Kindler D 1958 Bildbiographie
645 Amery, Jean Im Banne des Jazz Albert Müller CH 1961 History
646 Back, Jack Triumph des Jazz Alfa A History
647 Baricco, Alessandro Novecento Fiction Piper D 1994 Fiction
648 Bartsch,
Ernst Neger, Jazz
und tiefer Süden History VEB DDR 1956 History
649 Bausch,
Armando Jazz in Europa History Editions Phi Lux 1985 History
650 Bender, Otto Swing unterm Hakenkreuz History Christians D 1993 History
651 Berendt,
Joachim Ernst Das grosse Jazzbuch History Gutenberg D 1981 History
652 Berendt,
Joachim Ernst Jazz Optisch Foto Nymphenburger D 1956 Foto
653 Berendt,
Joachim Ernst Jazz Life History Burda D 1961 Foto
654 Berendt,
Joachim Ernst Photo-Story des Jazz Fotos Krüger D 1978 Foto
655 Bogle, Donald Brown sugar Frauen Harmony USA 1980 History
656 Bohländer,
Carlo Jazz Führer (Personenteil) Lexikon Edition Peters D 1977 Lexikon
657 Bohländer,
Carlo Jazz Führer (Sachteil) Lexikon Edition Peters D 1977 Lexikon
658 Darmstadt Darmstädter Jazzforum '89 Forschung Wolke D 1989 Forschung
659 Darmstadt Jazz in Europa Forschung Wolke D 1993 Forschung
660 Darmstadt Jazz und Sprache Forschung Wolke D 1998 Forschung
661 Dauner,
Alfons M. Der Jazz History Röth DDR 1958 History
662 Downbeat Record Reviews II Reviews Maher USA 1958 Reviews
663 Drechsel,
Karlheinz Fascination Jazz DDR Jazz VEB DDR 1974 History
664 Drechsel,
Karlheinz Jazzobjektiv Foto VEB DDR 1983 Foto
665 Edelhagen,
Joachim Jazz Geschichten History Eisenbletter D 1989 History
666 Ergzinger,
Frank Geschichte
der schweizerischen Schallplattenaufnah History Buchdruckerei Sihl CH 1990 History
667 Esquire World of Jazz Esquire Crowell USA 1975 History
668 Feather, Leonard Jazz in the Sixites Lexikon Feather USA 1968 Lexikon
669 Fordham, John Jazz History Christian D 1993 History
670 Gabbard, Krin Jammin' at the margins Film Uni Chicago USA 1996 Film
671 George, Nelson The death of Rhythm & Blues R & B Hanibal A 1990 R & B
672 Gourse,
Leslie Madame Jazz Frauen Oxford USA 1995 History
673 Graves, J. Damals in New Orlean History Sanssouci CH 1960 History
674 Hartz,
Jacques Jazz Foto Hoepner H 1961 Fotos
675 Haskins, Jim Cotton Club Cotton Club Random USA 1977 History
676 Heinrich,
Franz Swing
Generation Swing Jazzfreund D History
677 Hessen Jazz in Hessen History Schnitzlersche D 1989 History
678 Hippenmeyer, Jean-Roland Le jazz en suisse Schweiz Editions de la Thiéle CH 1971 History
679 Hippenmeyer, Jean-Roland Jazz sur films Film Editions de la Thiéle CH 1973 Film
680 Ihde, Horst Von der Plantage zum schwarzen Ghetto History Urania DDR 1975 History
681 Jacobs, Michael All that Jazz History Reclam D 1996 History
682 Jazz Hot Jazz Hot 1-12 Magazine Jazz Hot F 1988 Magazine
683 Jörgensen,
John Jazzlexikon Lexikon Bertelsmann D Lexikon
684 Kellersmann,
Christian Jazz in Deutschland 1933-45 Wiss. Arbeit Kellersmann D 1989 Forschung
685 Kraus, Werner Jazz in Bayern History ConBrio D 1997 History
686 Lange, Horst
H. Als der Jazz
begann History Colloquium D 1991 History
687 Lehmann, Theo Blues and trouble Blues Henschel DDR 1966 History
688 Lippegaus, Karl Diary of Jazz History Nieswand D 1996 History
689 Longstreet, Stephen Das war New Orleans History Bärmeier & Nikel D 1969 History
690 Lust, Gunter The flat foot floogee History Dölling und Galitz D 1992 History
691 Lyttelton's Humphrey Jazz and Big Band Quizz Quizz Batsford GB 1979 Quizz
692 Matisse Jazz Malerei Piper D 1957 History
693 Mecklenburg,
Carl Gregor Herzog zu Stilformen
des Jazz 1 Theorie Universal Edition D 1973 Theorie
694 Mecklenburg,
Carl Gregor Herzog zu Stilformen
des modernen Jazz Theorie Koerner D 1979 Theorie
695 Mecklenburg,
Carl Gregor Herzog zu Die Theorie
des Blues im modernen Jazz Theorie Koerner D 1971 Theorie
696 Moll, Dieter Das Buch des Blues Blues Heel D Blues
697 Montreux Montreux Jazzfestival History Wird CH 1996 History
698 Noglik, Bert Jazz im Gespräch History Verlag Neue Musik DDR 1978 History
699 Porzelt, Karlheinz The Swingstars History Conté D 1987 History
700 Quinke, Ralph Jazz + more Fotos Nieswand D
701 Rosenthal, George S. Jazzways History Musicians Press GB 1946 History
702 Reiff, Carole Nights at Birdland Foto Hanibal A 1987 Foto
703 Ruppli, Michel Atlantic Records 1 Atlantic Greenwood USA 1979 Discography
704 Ruppli, Michel Savoy Label Savoy Greenwood USA 1980 Discography
705 Shaw, Arnold Die Geschichte des Rhythm und Blues R & B 2001 D 1983 R & B
706 Schmidt-Joos,
Siegfried Jazz - Gesicht einer Musik History Bertelsmann D History
707 Starr, S.Frederick Red and hot Russland Hanibal A 1983 History
708 Summertime Summertime Summertime Koninklijke Bibliothek NL 1994 Summertime
709 Telejazz 1998 Schweizer Jazz Handbuch Schweiz Jazztime CH 1998 Schweiz
710 Tesser, Neil Playboy guide to Jazz History Bloomsbury GB 1998 History
711 Twittenhoff, Wilhelm Jugend und Jazz History Schott D 1952 History
712 Viera, Joe Elemente des Jazz History Viera D 1965 History
713 Viera, Joe Jazz in Europa History Viera D 1965 History
714 Weik, Mary Hays Jazzman Fiction Signal D 1974 Fiction
715 Wetzelsdorfer Follow the rhythm Wiesen Festival Wetzelsdorfer A 1991 History
716 Williamson, Ken Das ist Jazz History Engelbert D 1963 History
717 Wölfer, Jürgen Lexikon des Jazz Lexikon Hanibal A 1993 Lexikon
718 Wolf, Francis The Blue Note Years Fotos Edition Stemmle CH 1995 Fotos
719 Wolkenstein Bestände Texte und Bilder Wolkenstein A 1990 History
720 Woodward, Woody Jazz americana History Trend USA 1956 History
721 Gabor, Simon Geza Hungarian Jazz Discography Discography Jazz Oktatasi H 1994 Discography
722 Graz Jazz Forschung 1 Forschung Universal Edition A 1969 Forschung
723 Graz Jazz Forschung 2 Forschung Universal Edition A 1970 Forschung
724 Graz Jazz Forschung 3/4 Forschung Universal Edition A 971/2 Forschung
725 Graz Jazz Forschung 5 Forschung Universal Edition A 1973 Forschung
726 Graz Jazz Forschung 6/7 Forschung Universal Edition A 1974/5 Forschung
727 Graz Jazz Forschung 8 Forschung Universal Edition A 1977 Forschung
728 Graz Jazz Forschung 9 Forschung Universal Edition A 1978 Forschung
729 Graz Jazz Forschung 10 Forschung Universal Edition A 1978 Forschung
730 Graz Jazz Forschung 11 Forschung Universal Edition A 1979 Forschung
731 Graz Jazz Forschung 12 Forschung Universal Edition A 1980 Forschung
732 Graz Jazz Forschung 13 Forschung Universal Edition A 1981 Forschung
733 Graz Jazz Forschung 14 Forschung Universal Edition A 1982 Forschung
734 Graz Jazz Forschung 15 Forschung Universal Edition A 1983 Forschung
735 Graz Jazz Forschung 16 Forschung Universal Edition A 1984 Forschung
736 Graz Jazz Forschung 17 Forschung Universal Edition A 1985 Forschung
737 Graz Jazz Forschung 18 Forschung Universal Edition A 1986 Forschung
738 Graz Jazz Forschung 19 Forschung Universal Edition A 1987 Forschung
739 Ladwig,
Dieter Jukebox Jukebox VIP D 1993 Jukebox
740 Shapiro, Harry Drugs & Rock 'n' Roll Drogen Hanibal A 1988 Drugs
741 Czerny, Peter Der Schlager Schlager VEB DDR 1968 Schlager
742 McGeary, Thomas Bitter Music Partch, Harry Uni of Illinois USA 1991 Partch
743 McGeary, Thomas The music of Harry Partch Partch, Harry Conservatory USA 1991 Partch
744 Neely, Tim Goldmine Jazz Album Price
Guide Preise Krause Publications USA 2000 Price Catalogue
745 Neely, Tim Goldmine Record Album Price
Guide Preise Krause Publications USA 2001 Price Catalogue
746 Boubet, Arnaud Cote Europeenne du Jazz Preise Blue Nuit F 2002 Price Catalogue
747 Posener, Alan Elvis Presley Presley, Elvis rororo D 2000 Biography
748 Brigl -
Schmidt-Joos Fritz Rau - Buchhalter der Träume Rau, Fritz Quadriga D 1985 Biography
749 Janowitz,
Hans Jazz Roman Weidle D 1995 Roman
750 Matisse,
Henri Jazz Geschichten mit Bilder Herder D 1998 Geschichten/Zeichnungen
751 Gruntz,
George Als weisser
Neger geboren Gruntz, George Corvus/2001 D 2002 Biography
752 (var) 1800 Catalogue Discography Japan J 1998 Discography
753 Thieme, Rainer Klaus Doldinger Doldinger, Klaus Thieme D 2000 Discography
754 Angstmann, Freddy J Jazz History Edizioni Silva CH 1979 History
755 Kahn, Ashley Kind of blue Kind of blue Rogner & Bernhard/2001 D 2000 History
756 Dyer, Geoff But beautiful Roman Argon D 1991 Roman
757 Lardner, Ring Geschichten aus dem Jazz-Zeitalter Short-Stories Diogenes CH 1963 Short-Stories
758 Schmutz, Rene Gene Krupa Story Krupa, Gene Schmutz CH 1994 Biography
759 Elvers, Erwin Abbi Hübner Hübner, Abbi Eurojazz NL 1988 Discography
760 Marsh, Graham Cover Art of Blue Note Records
Vol.2 Cover Olms CH 1997 Cover
761 Giddins, Gary Celebration Bird Parker, Charlie Hodder and Stoughton GB 1987 Biography
762 (var) Montreux Jazz Festival Montreux Festival Illustre CH
763 (var) Montreux Jazz Festival Montreux Festival Edition de la Tour CH 1978
764 Parker, Chan To Bird with Love Parker, Charlie Wizlov F 1980 Photos
765 Reisner, Robert Bird: The legend of Charlie
Parker Parker, Charlie Dacapo Press USA 1975 Biography
766 Harrison, Max Charlie Parker Parker, Charlie Cassell GB 1960 Biography
767 Brand, Jack Shelly Manne Manne, Shelly Percussion Express USA 1997 Biography/Discography
768 (var) Jazzkalender gebunden Photos ohne D Photos